Friday, 4 December 2015

Location Recce Shots
Amy and I have spent a lot of our time thinking of the best location to film our thriller opening. We thought of lots of ideas but decided on the best place to be a house, therefore chose Amys house to use as the location. This is because certain clips for our thriller which are on our storyboard need to be filmed within certain rooms such as a bedroom and a bathroom. After deciding on the location we then took recce shots of our desired location. We took several photos of each room using different camera angles to show us which will look best when it comes to filming our final piece.

This is the bathroom that will be the first room used in our sequence of scenes. This is because our thriller begins with the actress in the shower while the actor, the stalker, is filming her and taking photos. We thought this bathroom would be great for us to use as it has a glass door which will be steamed up so you can only see the outline of the actress.  

The next room that we will use in our film is a bedroom. This will be the actresses bedroom that she will be spending alot of time in therefore will appear within Amy and I's film several times. While the actress is in the bedroom the actor will obviously be taking photos of her and watching her from places such as the window which you can see in the first image through the reflection in the mirror. The boy will be watching the girl do things such as sleep, get ready and do her makeup in this part of our location. 

This is a small Tv room within Amy's house which is also going to be used in our film. This is going to be used as the stalkers room which he has photos off the girl all over the walls from her past and present. He will have photos of her from before they were together, when they were together and also from recent times which is when he will have been watching her. He will also have some of the girls belongings which he has taken from her with out her knowing such as a red lipstick. There will also be a video playing of the girl on the tv screen which the stalker will be watching. This room will be seen and used alot within Amy and I's film. 

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