Tuesday, 26 January 2016


After going away on the thursday night Amy and I both had both filmed some extra clips which we thought we could add into our thriller however we realised that because we hadn't put much thought into the extra clips we had filmed they didn't fit into our thriller very well making it look odd and it didn't really make sense with the added clips. So when it came to editing on Friday 22nd we didn't manage to make our thriller much longer as we only added a view more stills into our extract. This meant our thriller was around 1 minute 30 seconds long when it needs to be around 2 minutes. So myself and Amy decided that we would put slightly more thought into the extra clips we would need to film and we both spent the weekend making sure the clips we had filmed were right for our video.
 On thursday the 21st of january both myself and Amy spent alot of our time editing and perfecting our thriller opening however we noticed that after we had added all our clips and stills our opening was still not long enough. This could be due to the fact that we had originally planned to have clips of a male charcter in our thriller however the actor let us down so this couldnt happen. It is also due to us missing a few clips that we beleived to have filmed. So because of this we both had to go away and film some more clips the thursday night. 

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Myself and Amy have spent a lot of time on editing our thriller and putting it together. We have spent some time trying different effects, transitions and sounds to see which suits our clips best to make it look more of a thriller. We started with the title sequence which took a bit of time as we had some slight issues with certain effects. It took a while for us to get the effect to work on each of the titles as we were having trouble and for some reason it just wouldn't work. After trying loads of different things we finally got the effect to work which has made the title sequence look really effective. However it put us slightly behind as we wasn't expecting to spend as long as we did on one thing. 

Monday, 11 January 2016

Equipment for Filming
When myself and Amy had decided on the final date for filming we then had to decide what equipment we was going to use and which would be most suitable for our piece to enable us to get the best and most effective footage we could. So Amy and I decided to borrow some equipment from college to help us with this. We were allowed to take our chosen equipment to the location where we were filming which meant our location was able to stay the same. To film all scenes that were took for part of our opening sequence were taken on a professional cannon camera which helped to make the quality much better as it has high definition quality. It also enables you to create films as well as stills which made filming more efficient and meant less time could be spent on filming. Amy and I fount the the camera simple and easy to use which meant there was less time wasted. Because the use of the camera was simple to pick up it meant handling and controlling was easier than we expected so was able to take a variety of shots from all different angles which meant we had different shots to chose from so had the option of which was most effective.
The other piece of equipment we borrowed from college was a tripod. We used this to balance the camera on so in footage you couldn't see the camera moving which helped us get better quality and therefore will make our thriller opening look more professional. We also used it to take stills.However because of the storyline myself and Amy had decided on,alot of the footage and photos needed to be unbalanced and look as though someone was holding a phone to film the footage to make the audience believe that someone is following the girl character. It would then help to show that the stalker (the person supposedly behind the camera) is moving quickly as he doesn't want to be seen. 

Filming our Thriller Opening 
 When it came to filming our thriller opening myself and Amy were faced with a number of problems. We had to change our day of filming several times as the male we was supposed to be using as one of the characters kept cancelling due to other plans he had. We changed the day a number of times as each time he said we would defiantly be able to make it however when it came down to it he couldn't. After the actor cancelled a number of times we decided to not use him anymore as each time we changed the date we was leaving it later and later to film our final piece and this created other problems as if the filming went wrong on the day we wouldnt have nay time to correct it. So myself and Amy decided to not use the actor anymore and change the storyline so there was only one character in the film opening which was Abi and use the camera as another persons point of view so to the viewer it would still come across as though Abi is being followed and stalked. Due to the change we had to think about certain parts of our thriller opening that would need to be changed to ensure it made sense. While doing this we decided to look back at our original notes and ideas and add on to these to improve the storyline and make sure the scenes that involved the male character didn't anymore but that the opening still made sense to the audience. 
When Amy and I had completed the new storyline and was happy with our opening ideas we said one final date that we would film out thriller on and this was Thursday 17th December. We still decided to keep the same location as we had originally planned which was Amy's house. So was able to keep certain things the same such as Abis bedroom would be the same room as we had planned.