Monday, 11 January 2016

Equipment for Filming
When myself and Amy had decided on the final date for filming we then had to decide what equipment we was going to use and which would be most suitable for our piece to enable us to get the best and most effective footage we could. So Amy and I decided to borrow some equipment from college to help us with this. We were allowed to take our chosen equipment to the location where we were filming which meant our location was able to stay the same. To film all scenes that were took for part of our opening sequence were taken on a professional cannon camera which helped to make the quality much better as it has high definition quality. It also enables you to create films as well as stills which made filming more efficient and meant less time could be spent on filming. Amy and I fount the the camera simple and easy to use which meant there was less time wasted. Because the use of the camera was simple to pick up it meant handling and controlling was easier than we expected so was able to take a variety of shots from all different angles which meant we had different shots to chose from so had the option of which was most effective.
The other piece of equipment we borrowed from college was a tripod. We used this to balance the camera on so in footage you couldn't see the camera moving which helped us get better quality and therefore will make our thriller opening look more professional. We also used it to take stills.However because of the storyline myself and Amy had decided on,alot of the footage and photos needed to be unbalanced and look as though someone was holding a phone to film the footage to make the audience believe that someone is following the girl character. It would then help to show that the stalker (the person supposedly behind the camera) is moving quickly as he doesn't want to be seen. 

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